04.11.2022, Catholic News
On 8 October 2022, ITI President and Rector Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau addressed the Ugandan State Leaders in Entebbe. On the day before Uganda’s Sixtieth Independence Day, the President of the Republic Mr. Yoweni Kguta Museveni Tibuhaburwa, the First Lady,Mrs. Janet Museveni (who also currently holds the office of Minister for ...
02.11.2022, Catholic News
It was a great joy and honor to welcome the President of the Republic of Hungary, Her Excellency Katalin Novak, to our University. On Thursday night, October 27, she spoke about the family and shared her experience of previous service in the position of Minister for Family Affairs, which she had held before being elected president. “The ...
29.10.2022, Catholic News
The Circolo San Tommaso d’Aquino has announced that Simon Maria Kopf’s new book, Reframing Providence: New Perspectives from Aquinas on the Divine Action Debate, to be published by Oxford University Press in January 2023, has been selected as the winner of the 11th Edition of the Veritas et Amor contest for the promotion of Thomas ...
18.10.2022, Catholic News
The ITI is happy to hereby invite you to a special 2-days academic conference – October 28-29, 2022 – dedicated to St. Irenaeus of Lyon. This year Pope Francisdeclared Saint Irenaeus a doctor of the Church. The ITI sees this step of the Holy Father as a task and wants to contribute to a fuller awareness of the relevance of ...
14.10.2022, Catholic News
A new academic year at the ITI was solemnly opened with the Matriculation Ceremony at Allan and Radwan Riley Hall. As is tradition at the ITI at the beginning of an academic year, all the faculty members proclaimed the Oath of Fidelity. They promised to always remain faithful to the authentic Magisterium of the Catholic Church and the Roman ...
12.10.2022, Catholic News
Msgr. Kevin Randall, the Nuntiatur Counsellor in Austria, presided over holy Mass at the solemn inauguration of the 2022-2023 academic year at the ITI. He began Mass by passing on words of blessings on behalf of His Excellency, Archbishop Dr. Pedro Lopez Quintana, the Apostolic Nuncio to Austria. “How will a well-rounded, Catholic liberal ...
11.10.2022, Catholic News
Neuerscheinungen aus dem Lepanto Verlag: www.lepanto-verlag.de Der Lepanto Verlag, der zu unserer Freude nächstes Jahr die ITI-Literaturtagungen publizieren wird, bietet mit seinem Herbstprogramm Erlesenes aus Philosophie, Theologie und Kirche, Literatur und Sprache. Hervorgehoben, zwei Publikationen, die aktueller nicht sein ...
02.10.2022, Catholic News
St Thérèse and the Contemplative Heart of the Intellectual Life Yesterday we already anticipated the Feast of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face. And today we celebrate again fittingly giving our patroness a double Feast. From the very beginning of the ITI, her holy countenance has watched ...
22.08.2022, Catholic News
On Friday, August 19th, during a special meeting with faculty and staff, Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau officially announced that in accordance with article 6 par. 1 of the Statutes of ITI Catholic University he will retire from his duties as Rector at the end of the 2022-2023 academic year. In accordance with Canon Law, the statutes ...
05.07.2022, Catholic News
Recently, Dr. Simon Maria Kopf, our newly appointed Associate Professor of Fundamental Theology, participated in the 2022 Summer Session of the SET Foundations (Building Foundations in Science-Engaged Theology: Insights from Philosophy of Science) in San Diego, USA. During the week-long sponsored session, theologians and philosophers of religion ...
Ave, Crux vera, spes unica! “We bow to Your Cross, O Lord, and we praise Your holy Resurrection!” These words from the Byzantine Divine Liturgy would be an accurate caption for an event that took place on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul in Trumau: the return of a restored crucifix to its proper place. The crucifix hangs ...
20.06.2022, Catholic News
This year, as is traditional, the ITI Commencement Exercises were crowned with the Rector’s Address - delivered above all to our dear graduates. In his address, Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau reflected on the question of freedom. He desires for our graduates to take with them a balanced understanding of freedom and thus accurate practice ...
18.06.2022, Catholic News
Ms. Dora Goda, a graduate of our five-year Master of Sacred Theology program who came to the ITI from Hungary right after high school, was chosen by her fellow graduates to deliver a speech at the commencement ceremony on behalf of the graduating class of 2022. Having studied the original texts of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, ...
17.06.2022, Catholic News
On 11 June 2022, the Commencement Ceremony took place at the ITI. This year twenty three graduating students fulfilled the academic requirements of the ITI study programs and had one of the following degrees conferred on them: Licentiate in Sacred Theology, Master of Sacred Theology, Master of Studies on Marriage and the Family, and Bachelor in ...
04.06.2022, Catholic News
Last Friday, June 3, the relics of St. Therese of Lisieux were solemnly received in the Heiligenkreuz Abbey, a Cistercian monastery situated in the Vienna Woods in the vicinity of ITI’s Campus. The ITI community gratefully participated in the evening event honoring the Little Flower and entrusted the ITI to her patronage anew. The ...
18.05.2022, Catholic News
Sünde, Schuld, Hybris und Erlösung: Die Literaturtagung in Trumau zeigte anhand der Geschichte des Brudermords, wie zeitlos und aktuell die Themen der „Genesis“ sind. von Emanuela Sutter Wer hätte gedacht, dass ein Geschehnis aus dem tausende Jahre alten Buch der „Genesis“ dieser Tage von solch ...
On Tuesday 10 May 2022, the ITI welcomed to campus Ján Figeľ under the guise of the Adenauer Forum for a conversation on Catholic Public Leadership with ITI’s President, Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau. Mr. Figeľ was instrumental in providing leadership to his native Slovakia as it transitioned from communism and the Soviet ...
Last week, it was a great joy to welcome our Grand Chancellor, His Eminence Christopher Cardinal Schönborn, to the ITI. His Eminence came for a pastoral visit, celebrating the first university common Mass after Easter break and giving another of his ITI lectures on St. Thomas Aquinas. For the lecture this time, Cardinal Schönborn chose ...
On 31 March ITI welcomed back Dr. Gudrun Kugler, ITI graduate MTS 1999, to Campus for a talk on Christian values in politics. Dr. Kugler’s talk covered current issues, including COVID measures and day-to-day life as a Member of Parliament. Her talk concluded with several minutes of answering student questions and meeting them face-to-face ...
This past weekend, 19 March 2022, over thirty students from the ITI attended the March for Life in Munich, Germany. The students also volunteered to help Stimme der Stillen, the pro-life group managing the March, keep the event well-organized. Stimme der Stillen was most grateful for the aid the students gave. The event began with reading ...
On Thursday 17 March 2022 ITI hosted a panel discussion on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The event featured four panelists: Dr. Bernhard Dolna and Pater Dr. Edmund Waldstein, OCist, both ITI professors, Mr. Charles Coulombe, a political historian and ITI graduate student, and Ms. Kateryna Gychka, a Ukrainian lawyer and researcher based in ...
Tetiana Stawnychy is the daughter of political refugees who fled Ukraine as teenagers in 1944 to escape Soviet communism during the Second World War. Now, she is on the frontlines helping thousands of other Ukrainian families who are trying to escape after Russia’s invasion two weeks ago. “This is the only place I want to be right ...
Wien, 02.03.2022, Kardinal Christoph Schönborn hat am Aschermittwoch Nachmittag die ukrainische Zentralpfarre St. Barbara in Wien besucht und dort mit den ukrainischen Gläubigen für den Frieden und ein Ende des Krieges gebetet. Gemeinsam mit Schönborn standen Ostkirchen-Generalvikar Yuriy Kolasa und der Pfarrer von St. Barbara, ...
Getting to Know the University through our Faculty Members Rev. Dr. Martin Mayerhofer FSO serves at the ITI Catholic University as Assistant Chaplain and Associate Professor of Patristics and Church History. He entered a religious community, the Spiritual Family “The Work”, when he was nineteen years old, spent twelve years in Rome, ...
On 11 January 2022, ITI students and priests participated in a prayer project of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC) called The Rosary Unites. The initiative was launched on 14 October 2020 on the feast of the Protection of Our Lady with the blessing of the Major Archbishop of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk. Since then, the ...
On December 2, ITI students and faculty heard a talk, Blessed Emperor Charles and the Catholic Vocation of the House of Habsburg, given by Mr. Charles A. Coulombe: a Catholic writer, historian, and lecturer. For his services to the Holy See Pope John Paul II created him a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Sylvester. Since 2018, he has been ...
Die lateinischen und mittelalterlichen Epheserbriefkommentare. Untersuchungen zu ihrer Exegese und Ekklesiologie. Martin Mayerhofer, Aschendorff Verlag 2021 Welche Rolle spielte das Corpus Paulinum in der patristischen und mittelalterlichen Auslegungsgeschichte? Wie gestaltete sich seine Exegese? Und welcher ekklesiologischer Befund lässt ...
Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC became known in the Catholic world during this year of St. Joseph for having penned two very rich and useful books dedicated to him: Consecration to St. Joseph. The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father (2020) and St. Joseph Gems. Daily Wisdom on Our Spiritual Father (2018). The latter, a collection of meditations on St. ...
Zwei Rapper gewinnen die Preise beim Vocation Music Award in Österreich. Der Musikpreis ist heuer international auf Erfolgstour unterwegs, um eine Kultur der Berufung zu fördern. Salzburg, 09.11.2021 Der österreichweit ausgeschriebene Vocation Music Award ist am vergangenen Samstag mit einer bewegenden Finalshow in Heiligenkreuz ...
08.11.2021, Catholic News
Recently, the Rector of the ITI Catholic University and the Founder and President of the International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN), Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau, was featured as a guest speaker at the Budapest Lectures series at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC). The Collegium has been acknowledged by the Hungarian Parliament ...
A doctoral student in theology was once asked to lead a Bible study for friends. He blushed and said: 'I don't feel ready for that yet'. This is an example of academic theology that has ideas and theories in mind but not always the people themselves. The ITI is striving to be a place of missionary theologians who are on fire for Jesus and are ...
In May 2020, Professor Dr. Michael Wladika had the honour of speaking at the 4th International Familiology Symposium in Olsztyn (Poland). His lecture, "Thinking the Family. Some Lines in 20th-Century-Philosophy", has now been published not only in print, but is also available online. In order to read this text, addressing topics of obviously ...
This past June, Professor Dr. Michael Wladika had the honor of speaking at the International Conference "The Concept of Love and its Meaning in Mystical-Theological, Literary and Philosophical Contexts" in Bucharest. In his speech, Dr. Wladika discusses "Plotinus and St. Augustine: Love as Unifier, Love as Triunifier". Plotinus, the ...
The celebration of the ITI’s 25th Dies Natalis was marked by the presence of honored guests, Mr. James Holman, the Chairman of the ITI’s Board of Trustees, and his wife, Mrs. Claudia Holman. For the past twenty years, Mr. Holman has devotedly served on the Board of Trustees and he has always played a very important role in the history ...
The official opening of the new academic year at the ITI, which marked the school’s twenty fifth anniversary, began with the solemn address by the President and Rector of the ITI, Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau. He opened the matriculation ceremony with words of deep gratitude, thanking all those who have made it possible for the ITI ...
On 1 October 2021, the celebration of ITI Catholic University’s 25th Dies Natalis began with a solemn Holy Mass presided over by the General Secretary of the Austrian Bishops’ Conference, Rev. DDr. Peter Schipka. It was an honor to welcome him to our community as the representative of the Austrian Bishops, and especially of ITI’s ...
On 23-24 September 2021, Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau, who is both ITI’s Rector and the President of the International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN), participated in the IV Budapest Demographic Summit. The Hungarian Minister for Families, Mrs. Katalin Novak, who welcomed the assembly of the Summit, defined it as a ...
“Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance. Grant victory to Your faithful against enemies, and protect Your People by Your cross.” Third Antiphon of the Divine Liturgy Today, on the 30th of September, 2021, we celebrate the fifth anniversary of the dedication of our Byzantine Chapel to the Holy, ...
Getting to Know the University through Our Faculty Members Prof. Dr. habil. Michaela C. Hastetter PD is ITI’s Full Professor for Pastoral Theology and Religious Pedagogy. Among the courses that she teaches at the ITI are “The Regula Pastoralis of Gregory the Great,” “Patristic Exegesis and Pastoral Care,” ...
Die Katholische Hochschule Trumau (ITI) begeht ihr 25-jähriges Bestehen und blickt mit Freude und in großer Dankbarkeit auf ein Vierteljahrhundert Bildungsarbeit im Dienst an Kirche und Gesellschaft zurück. Wir haben als Hochschule nicht nur die Herausforderung angenommen, junge Menschen fundiert zu bilden, zu ...
Dr. Alting von Geusau addressed the Holy Father on the relationship between science, technology and the transcendent. The Rector remarked that “[t]hat the past 18 months have shown us in a new and pressing manner the remarkable advances and possibilities of science and technology and we are deeply grateful for that. In ...
On 31 July 2021, the Admissions Committee of the ITI Catholic University announced the results of the application process for the 2021-2022 academic year: Forty-two young men and women from different countries successfully met the ITI admission requirements and will be solemnly matriculated into their study programs on 1 October 2021. This marks ...
Christliche Hymnen – die Kraft der Poetischen Theologie. Michaela C. Hastetter, ed. Ephräm Givi Lomidze, ed. EOS, Editions Sank Ottilien, 2021 Die vorliegenden Beiträge beleuchten das Thema der poetischen Kraft christlicher Hymnen aus östlicher und westlicher Perspektive. Dabei beleuchten Hymnenforscher aus Ost und ...
“The consecrated virgin Dagny Kjaergaard is one of those figures whose influence over the Church is hidden but pervasive. Now that she has departed this life, this fact is sure to be recognized more and more. The precise authorship of each part of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is a closely guarded secret and Dr. Kjaergaard honored ...
In the twenty-fifth year of ITI’s existence we bid farewell to the ITI’s largest ever graduation class. Thirty five degrees total were conferred on across our BA, MMF, STM, and STL study programs, and six certificates were awarded to our SG students. The solemn commencement ceremony took place in the Schloss courtyard on June 12, 2021. ...
Sincere congratulations to Pater Dr. Ephräm Givi Lomidze, the ITI Lecturer of Church History and Director of STEP, on his successful public habilitation colloquium for the anticipated venia legendi in theology and history of the Christian East. It was held on June 15, 2021 at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of ...
On May 8, 2021 our beloved Professor Dagny Maria Hubertine Kjaergaard entered the house of our Heavenly Father. She passed away peacefully at the Barmherziger Brüder hospital in Vienna, concluding a life on earth that was marked by her deep and faithful service to the Church. As a consecrated virgin she dedicated her life fully to Christ and ...
„Sich vom Wort des Dichters treffen lassen …“ – dieser Leitsatz des Hermeneutikers Hans-Georg Gadamer steht über dem zweiten Band der Reihe „Lepanto-Almanach“: Der Almanach auf das Jahr 2021 rückt als thematischen Schwerpunkt das Verhältnis zwischen Philosophie, Theologie und Dichtkunst in den ...
Rev. Dr. Martin Mayerhofer, Associate Professor of Patristics and Church History and Associate Chaplain of the ITI, with a group of students embarked upon two pilgrimages in the days leading up to Holy Week and Easter. The first trip was from the ITI Campus to the Basilica Minor of Maria Dolorosa in Lorreto, Burgenland and was in honor of the ...
Katholische Hochschule ITI / ITI Catholic University Seit seiner Gründung am 1. Oktober 1996 durch den Hl. Papst Johannes Paul II. blieb das ITI seiner Gründungsmission stets treu. Gleichzeitig entwickelte sich aber im Laufe der letzten 25 Jahre ein immer stärkeres Bewusstsein dafür, die Reichweite zu erhöhen, um ...
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