His Eminence Dr. Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, OP
- Grand Chancellor - Archbishop of Vienna - Dr. theol., Catholic University of Paris, 1974 - curriculum vitae
Playlist of given talks
Prof. DDr. Bernhard Dolna
- President and Rector - Professor for Ecumenical and Jewish Studies - Dr. theol., Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, 1999 - Dr. phil., University of Vienna, 2022 - curriculum vitae
Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Wladika
- Vice-Rector and Dean - STD Program Director - BA & STB Program Director (interim) - Professor for Christian Philosophy: Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy - Dr. phil., University of Vienna, 1995 - Habil., University of Vienna, 2004 - curriculum vitae
Sebastian Hoogewerf
- Director of Finance and Administration- curriculum vitae- Email: s.hoogewerf(a)iti.ac.at
Very Rev. Yuriy Kolasa
- Head of Formation Program for Seminarians, Religious Men, Deacon Candidates and Priests - Byzantine priest - curriculum vitae
Andreas M. Kramer
- Assistant to the Rector and Student Administrator- Email: a.kramer(a)iti.ac.at
Juraj Mistina
- Admissions Officer- curriculum vitae
Oksana Stanishevska
- Assistant to the Dean and Librarian
Very Rev. Juraj Potocky Terek
- Chaplain and Director of Student Life- Byzantine Priest
Gediminas Dundulis
- IT Administrator and Multimedia-Producer - curriculum vitae
Katholische Hochschule ITI Schloss Trumau Schlossgasse 21 2521 Trumau AUSTRIA
Telephone: +43 2253 218 08 Fax: +43 2253 218 084 E-mail: administration(a)iti.ac.at