
Below are links to videos related to the ITI. They are provided as links to YouTube or can be played in place. For more ITI on YouTube - visit the ITI's YouTube channel.

Romano Guardinis Blick auf Christliche Anthropologie

Thursday Lecture - Msg. Dr. Martin Schlag

Thursday Lecture - Dr. John Mortensen

Thursday Lecture - Dr. Andrew Kaethler

Graduation 2022 - The Rector's Address

Graduation 2022 - The Student Commencement Address

Graduation 2022 - Sermon by Archbishop Dr. Pedro López Quintana Apostolic Nuncio to Austria

Full Graduation 2022 Ceremony

Literaturtagung 2022

Graduation 2021 - The Rectors address

Graduation 2021 - The Students Commencement Address

Graduation 2021 - Sermon

Education at the Crossroads #5 - Beauty, Truth and Heroism

Literaturtag 2020

Ad Fontes Interview series - Yuriy Kolasa (5/5)

The Grand Chancellor's Speech 10.02.2020

ITI Semester Opening Ceremony 10.02.2020

Mass of the Americas in the Extraordinary Form celebrated by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone

Thursday Lecture: Effective Synodality. Presented by Rev. Prof. Dr. Ad van der Helm

Thursday Lecture: The Power of Magnanimity by Cameron M. Thompson

EWTN Brings Former ITI Student and Graduates Together

Thursday Lecture: In Pursuit of My Identity: Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and My Life - Presented by Hudson Byblow

Ad Fontes Interview series - Scott Hefelfinger (4/5)

Ad Fontes Interview series - Eugene Wallace (3/5)

Thursday Lecture: Why Do We Care about Political Islam? by Mrs. Nikoletta Incze

Ad Fontes Interview Series - Gudrun Kugler (2/5)

Ad Fontes Interview Series - Johannes van Voorst tot Voorst (1/5)

Beguiled by Beauty: On Seeing Rome for the First Time by Dr. Regis Martin

Ut unum sint. The Latin Correspondence of St. Giovanni Calabria and C. S. Lewis by Dr. Andrei Gotia

ITI - Sermon of Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone (21. May 2019)

Graduation 2019 - The Grand Chancellor's Address

Graduation 2019 - The Rector's Address

Graduation 2019 - The Student Commencement Address

ITI Graduation 2019 Livestreamed Event

Thursday Lecture Series: “Pasch of Incorruption: Jesus’ Last Supper, the Passover, and the Kingdom of God” by Dr. Vincent DeMeo recorded on March 21, 2019

Thursday Lecture Series: "The Assassination of the Last Tsar. Truth, Lies and Uncovered Mysteries" by Dr. Elisabeth Heresch recorded on March 07, 2019

Academic Lecture (18.02.2019): Dr. Vincent DeMeo - The Good of Catholic Liberal Education as Illuminated by the Gospel of John

ITI Rector awarded honorary professorship at San Ignacio de Loyala University in Lima, Peru - Keynote lecture "The Defining Battle of the 21st Century: Protecting Freedom of Conscience and Religion Around the World"

International Symposium, 15-16 November 2018

Dies Natalis 2018 - Sermon of Dr. Christoph Cardinal Schönborn

ITI Rector meets Holy Father

Academic opening ceremony 2018

Opening talk by Rev. Dr. Thomas Möllenbeck

Business Ethics workshop – 2. Mai 2018

Führungsethik und die Berufung des Businessleaders - Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau, Rektor

Gewissen, Naturrecht, Ethik ohne Gott? - Prof. Dr. Thomas Möllenbeck, Professor für Theologie

Tugenden, Bausteine der Führungskraft - Prof. Dr. Bernhard Dolna, Vizerektor

Graduation 2018

Sermon of Dr. Christoph Cardinal Schönborn

The Rector's Address

The Student Commencement Address

AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS VERY GOOD: Re-invigorating the Sacrament of Marriage and the Christian Family in Light of the 2014 and 2015 Synods

Watch the videos of all the talks here on our YouTube Channel

Cardinal Schönborn speaks on the Cathechism of the Catholic Church

Studium Generale Trumau-Heiligenkreuz

Interview with Cardinal Schönborn about the ITI

Interview on uniqueness of the ITI

International Theological Institute - Catholic School of Theology

Life on the Rock - Fr. Mark and Doug with ITI

Holy Liturgy - a unique celebration

From the ITI Symposium of Eastern Catholic Churches in 2009. Photo/Video copyright by Claudia Henzler of