Giving Opportunities

The ITI, as erected and approved by the Holy See, does not receive, nor is able to receive, any state funding. Our income is derived solely from gifts and student payments. The Institute relies on the continued support of private individuals, foundations and Catholic bishops.  

By supporting the work of the ITI, you directly support the Catholic Church and her important work in training young men and women to become Christ-loving leaders.  You can help send people out into the world with a sound theological training and a deep understanding of marriage and the family.

Will you join our important mission?


Your donation helps fund the activities of the Chaplaincy.

  • Chaplaincy Student Scholarships for ITI Pilgrimage to Rome, October 25-31, 2025 for the Jubilee Year of Hope
  • Donation Code: Chaplaincy
  • Donate Now

Cardinal Schönborn Chair

Your donation helps endow the newly established Cardinal Schönborn Chair of Theology in honor of his 80th birthday.

  • The ITI thanks its long-standing Grand Chancellor, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, for the occasion of his 80th birthday with a special gift: The ITI shall establish the Academic Chair in Dogmatics in his name. Schönborn’s teaching and understanding of both theology and the Church will thereby be actualized for the coming generations. In the context of the great theologians of the Church, both East and West, this understanding will be spread and kept alive. This is in addition to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Schönborn’s legacy for the Church in the whole world.
  • With this Academic Chair in Trumau, a ‘place’ will be created in which the development and the path of this exceptional institution in central Europe is inseparably bound to Cardinal Schönborn. Together with the founding president of the ITI, Michael Waldstein, Cardinal Schönborn brought to realization the vision of Pope John Paul II. The main pillars of this institution are the study of theology as a totality, via personalized seminar-style teaching, small classes, the reading of original sources, an international character and a lived-out faith of the Church. Cardinal Schönborn placed his stamp on the theological vision of the course of study as well as the teaching method. In interest of the renewal of theology, the Cardinal inspired teachers and students to connect theology with holiness, under the motto: ‘theology kneeling in prayer’. 
  • For the financing of this Academic Chair, a foundation will be established, particularly as the ITI is almost entirely funded by donations and student contributions. The announcement of the new Academic Chair took place in the context of the celebration and ceremony for the Cardinal on the feast of ITI patron St. Thomas Aquinas. 
  • Donation Code: Cardinal
  • Donate Now


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Your donation will be applied where most needed.

Faculty Chair

Your donation helps pay a professor's salary.

Chancellor's Council

Help our students in a special way.


Katholische Hochschule ITI
Schloss Trumau 
Schlossgasse 21 
2521 Trumau

Telephone: +43 2253 218 08
E-mail: administration(a)