04.01.2025, Catholic News
Foto © Vatican Media ITI-Dean Prof. Dr. Michael Wladika meeting the Holy Father For the ITI as a Catholic university, Rome, the Holy Father and the Vatican Dicastery for Culture and Education are of course fundamentally important points of reference. When this dicastery organizes a congress with the very important title ...
Foto © Vatican Media ITI-Dekan Prof. Dr. Michael Wladika beim Hl. Vater Für das ITI als Katholische Hochschule sind Rom, der Hl. Vater und das Vatikanische Dikasterium für Kultur und Bildung natürlich grundlegend wichtige Orientierungspunkte. Veranstaltet dieses Dikasterium einen Kongress mit dem sehr gewichtigen ...
28.12.2024, Catholic News
Radio Maria und das ITI starten im Mai 2024 eine neue Serie unter dem Titel „Denken mit dem hl. Thomas von Aquin“. In neun aufeinanderfolgenden Monaten sprechen je eine Stunde die Radio Maria Redakteurin Dr. Gudrun Trausmuth, der Dekan des ITI sowie jeweils wechselnde Professoren und Studenten des ITI über grundlegende Aspekte der ...
13.11.2024, Catholic News
The ITI Catholic University is proud to announce that one of its distinguished alumni, Arthur Bubnevych, has been appointed as the Bishop of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Holy Protection of Mary in Phoenix, USA. This significant appointment recognizes Bishop Bubnevych's dedication and commitment to service within the Church. The appointment ...
06.11.2024, Catholic News
Das neue akademische Jahr, das am 1. Oktober, dem Dies natalis der Hochschule, eröffnet wurde, ist gerade mal einen Monat alt und doch schon voll im Gange. Gemäß dem Grundsatz: gemeinsam beten – gemeinsam studieren – gemeinsam leben beginnen die Studierenden, einander kennen zu lernen, sich einzuleben, Freundschaften zu ...
21.10.2024, Catholic News
Am 11. Oktober 2024, dem Jahrestag der Eröffnung des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils (1962-1965) und Fest des hl. Papstes Johannes XXIII., nahm Frau Prof. Dr. Michaela C. Hastetter, Lehrstuhlinhaberin für Pastoraltheologie und Religionspädagogik an der Katholischen Hochschule ITI, Trumau, am Festakt in Regensburg (Deutschland) ...
26.09.2024, Catholic News
Einweihung des Wiener Studienhauses Johannes von Damaskus (CCVU) am neuen Standort in Baden b. Wien mit den Räumen des STEP anlässlich der Feier des 90. Geburtstages von Prof. em. P. Dr. Stephan O. Horn SDS mit Buchpräsentation des neuen TO&OS-Bandes Nach dem feierlichen Pontifikalamt durch Abt Maximilian Heim ...
19.01.2023, Catholic News
Oxford University Press releases a new book Reframing Providence. New Perspectives from Aquinas on the Divine Action Debate by Dr. Simon Maria Kopf, Associate Professor of Fundamental Theology at the ITI. The doctrine of providence, which states that God guides his creation, has been widely conceived in action terms in recent theological ...
09.01.2023, Catholic News
Überaus dankbar dürfen wir als Katholische Hochschule ITI von Joseph Ratzinger / Papst em. Benedikt XVI. Abschied nehmen. Seine Theologie fußte auf der Heiligen Schrift und den Vätern, allen voran der Hl. Augustinus und der Hl. Bonaventura. Er hatte die Quellen im Original studiert und ins Heute "übersetzt", in der ...
09.12.2022, Catholic News
Mirabile Dictu, the International Catholic Film Festival founded by Liana Marabini in 2010 under the auspices of the Pontifical Council for Culture and Education, gives an award each year to an organization that demonstrates a special commitment to evangelization. Mirabile Dictu (Spoken Miracles) is an exquisite annual film festival and ...
07.12.2022, Catholic News
Mirabile Dictu, das von Liana Marabini 2010 gegründete Internationale Katholische Filmfestival unter der Schirmherrschaft des Päpstlichen Rates für Kultur und Bildung, verleiht jedes Jahr einer Organisation, die sich besonders um Evangelisation bemüht, einen Preis. Mirabile Dictu (Gesprochene Wunder) ist ein exquisites, ...
04.11.2022, Catholic News
On 8 October 2022, ITI President and Rector Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau addressed the Ugandan State Leaders in Entebbe. On the day before Uganda’s Sixtieth Independence Day, the President of the Republic Mr. Yoweni Kguta Museveni Tibuhaburwa, the First Lady,Mrs. Janet Museveni (who also currently holds the office of Minister for ...
02.11.2022, Catholic News
It was a great joy and honor to welcome the President of the Republic of Hungary, Her Excellency Katalin Novak, to our University. On Thursday night, October 27, she spoke about the family and shared her experience of previous service in the position of Minister for Family Affairs, which she had held before being elected president. “The ...
29.10.2022, Catholic News
The Circolo San Tommaso d’Aquino has announced that Simon Maria Kopf’s new book, Reframing Providence: New Perspectives from Aquinas on the Divine Action Debate, to be published by Oxford University Press in January 2023, has been selected as the winner of the 11th Edition of the Veritas et Amor contest for the promotion of Thomas ...
18.10.2022, Catholic News
The ITI is happy to hereby invite you to a special 2-days academic conference – October 28-29, 2022 – dedicated to St. Irenaeus of Lyon. This year Pope Francisdeclared Saint Irenaeus a doctor of the Church. The ITI sees this step of the Holy Father as a task and wants to contribute to a fuller awareness of the relevance of ...
14.10.2022, Catholic News
A new academic year at the ITI was solemnly opened with the Matriculation Ceremony at Allan and Radwan Riley Hall. As is tradition at the ITI at the beginning of an academic year, all the faculty members proclaimed the Oath of Fidelity. They promised to always remain faithful to the authentic Magisterium of the Catholic Church and the Roman ...
12.10.2022, Catholic News
Msgr. Kevin Randall, the Nuntiatur Counsellor in Austria, presided over holy Mass at the solemn inauguration of the 2022-2023 academic year at the ITI. He began Mass by passing on words of blessings on behalf of His Excellency, Archbishop Dr. Pedro Lopez Quintana, the Apostolic Nuncio to Austria. “How will a well-rounded, Catholic liberal ...
11.10.2022, Catholic News
Neuerscheinungen aus dem Lepanto Verlag: www.lepanto-verlag.de Der Lepanto Verlag, der zu unserer Freude nächstes Jahr die ITI-Literaturtagungen publizieren wird, bietet mit seinem Herbstprogramm Erlesenes aus Philosophie, Theologie und Kirche, Literatur und Sprache. Hervorgehoben, zwei Publikationen, die aktueller nicht sein ...
02.10.2022, Catholic News
St Thérèse and the Contemplative Heart of the Intellectual Life Yesterday we already anticipated the Feast of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face. And today we celebrate again fittingly giving our patroness a double Feast. From the very beginning of the ITI, her holy countenance has watched ...
22.08.2022, Catholic News
On Friday, August 19th, during a special meeting with faculty and staff, Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau officially announced that in accordance with article 6 par. 1 of the Statutes of ITI Catholic University he will retire from his duties as Rector at the end of the 2022-2023 academic year. In accordance with Canon Law, the statutes ...
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