Costs and Financial Aid

Costs of Studying at the ITI 2024-2025

The cost for our students is deliberately kept at a minimum to enable qualified persons from all over the world to study at the ITI despite limits to financial means. Consequently, the tuition and fees charged cover less than half of our actual expenses per student. The ITI is an Ecclesiastical Faculty which is financially independent and relies entirely on donations and tuition payments. We look to our benefactors and students who possess the financial means to assist us in meeting our financial necessities. The ITI gratefully accepts donations, which are tax deductible. Your generosity towards the ITI is deeply appreciated. Help support our students.

Total Estimated Cost for a Single Student: 

  • €12300 (paid to ITI for tuition, registration, and lodging)
  • €4700 (estimated personal expenses)

Total cost will vary by program and marital status. The breakdown of expenses is below.

A) Tuition and Registration:

  • Total Tuition at the ITI is €25000 and all accepted students receive a Standard ITI Scholarship of €16000, making the Final Standard Tuition: €9000 (per Academic Year)
  • Studium Generale students pay €9500 (for the Academic Year) tuition. Please click here for Studium Generale page.
  • Registration: €300 (per Academic Year)

B) Accommodation:

  • Room for single student: €3000 (per Academic Year) 
  • Family Apartments: €5850 - €13000 (per Academic Year) 

C) Additional Personal Expenses (Estimates):

  • Food and personal items: €3000 (€333 x 9 months, minimum)
  • Mandatory EU Student Health Insurance: €900 (ca. €75 x 12 months) 
  • Visa (if required): €160-€200 
  • Various initial expenses: €300

D) Reimbursable Deposits:

  • Family Apartment Deposit: €400
  • Single Room Deposit: €200 
  • Library & Course Book Deposit: €100 

Community Service: Since the ITI is enriched by a community life, all students, regardless of financial or academic standing, are expected to contribute 2 hours per week to assist with the maintenance of the chapel, living areas, library, and other facilities.

Financial Aid

  • Room Stipends are available for service to the ITI (maintenance and upkeep of the campus)
  • Spouses, where both are studying, get an automatic discount of 50% on the second tuition fee if the full tuition fee of €9000 is paid by the first spouse.

Financial Aid - External

Contact: Sebastian Hoogewerf

US Student Loans

The school code for the ITI (Katholische Hochschule ITI) is: G34603

US Private Loans

Sallie Mae private loans are available to US students for all programs, including the Studium Generale program. Apply here.

US Federal Loans - on hold until further notice:

The ITI is currently in the process of recertification and therefore all student loan applications for the Title IV Direct Loan Program (a US federal loan scheme, available to US students only) are currently on hold until further notice.

The ITI is not eligible for US grants.

US Tax Forms

As a university under the jurisdiction of the Holy See, the ITI is not authorized to issue a 1098t tax form to US citizens

US Loan Policies 

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Withdrawal and Refund Policy

Additional ITI Scholarships - Internal

(BA, MMF, STM and STL programs only. There are currently no scholarships available for SG or extraordinary students.)

Additional scholarships should be requested in Financial Aid section of the Application Form. Additional ITI Scholarships are exclusively granted on an annual basis.

The additional scholarships will be adjusted to take into account your financial needs and any external scholarships you may receive.

Additional Financial Aid - for tuition only:
1) EU citizens - tuition may be reduced by up to: €3500 (minimum final tuition: €5500)
2) Seminarians, priests and religious - where the diocese or superiors take responsibility for the education of the student, tuition may be reduced by up to: €5000 (minimum final tuition: €4000)
3) Eastern Europe within EU - tuition may be reduced by up to: €7000 (minimum final tuition: €2000)
4) Eastern Europe non-EU - tuition may be reduced by up to: €8000 (minimum final tuition: €1000)

•These are tuition scholarships only and do not cover room and board!

Payment and Financial Aid Form for Returning Students