Recipient: Katholische Hochschule ITIAddress: Schlossgasse 21, 2521 Trumau, AustriaBank: Raiffeisenbank BadenIBAN: AT63 3204 5000 0041 4078BIC/SWIFT: RLNW ATWW BAD
For quick and cheap international payments to our above bank account we also recommend using:
TransferMate makes it easier and cheaper for international (outside of the Euro Zone) students to pay their school fees. TransferMate is here to help you pay your tuition and room fees without having to pay any additional fees or charges while giving you a competitive foreign exchange rate!
TransferMate allows you to make international payments to the ITI for free, without paying international banking charges while receiving competitive foreign exchange rates.
We think it’s a brilliant option! If you're an international student attending ITI you can use this secure, fast method to make your tuition fee payments to us.
Pay your fees via TransferMate using a simple 3 step process.