07.12.2022, Catholic News
Mirabile Dictu, das von Liana Marabini 2010 gegründete Internationale Katholische Filmfestival unter der Schirmherrschaft des Päpstlichen Rates für Kultur und Bildung, verleiht jedes Jahr einer Organisation, die sich besonders um Evangelisation bemüht, einen Preis. Mirabile Dictu (Gesprochene Wunder) ist ein exquisites, ...
04.11.2022, Catholic News
On 8 October 2022, ITI President and Rector Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau addressed the Ugandan State Leaders in Entebbe. On the day before Uganda’s Sixtieth Independence Day, the President of the Republic Mr. Yoweni Kguta Museveni Tibuhaburwa, the First Lady,Mrs. Janet Museveni (who also currently holds the office of Minister for ...
02.11.2022, Catholic News
It was a great joy and honor to welcome the President of the Republic of Hungary, Her Excellency Katalin Novak, to our University. On Thursday night, October 27, she spoke about the family and shared her experience of previous service in the position of Minister for Family Affairs, which she had held before being elected president. “The ...
29.10.2022, Catholic News
The Circolo San Tommaso d’Aquino has announced that Simon Maria Kopf’s new book, Reframing Providence: New Perspectives from Aquinas on the Divine Action Debate, to be published by Oxford University Press in January 2023, has been selected as the winner of the 11th Edition of the Veritas et Amor contest for the promotion of Thomas ...
18.10.2022, Catholic News
The ITI is happy to hereby invite you to a special 2-days academic conference – October 28-29, 2022 – dedicated to St. Irenaeus of Lyon. This year Pope Francisdeclared Saint Irenaeus a doctor of the Church. The ITI sees this step of the Holy Father as a task and wants to contribute to a fuller awareness of the relevance of ...
14.10.2022, Catholic News
A new academic year at the ITI was solemnly opened with the Matriculation Ceremony at Allan and Radwan Riley Hall. As is tradition at the ITI at the beginning of an academic year, all the faculty members proclaimed the Oath of Fidelity. They promised to always remain faithful to the authentic Magisterium of the Catholic Church and the Roman ...
12.10.2022, Catholic News
Msgr. Kevin Randall, the Nuntiatur Counsellor in Austria, presided over holy Mass at the solemn inauguration of the 2022-2023 academic year at the ITI. He began Mass by passing on words of blessings on behalf of His Excellency, Archbishop Dr. Pedro Lopez Quintana, the Apostolic Nuncio to Austria. “How will a well-rounded, Catholic liberal ...
11.10.2022, Catholic News
Neuerscheinungen aus dem Lepanto Verlag: www.lepanto-verlag.de Der Lepanto Verlag, der zu unserer Freude nächstes Jahr die ITI-Literaturtagungen publizieren wird, bietet mit seinem Herbstprogramm Erlesenes aus Philosophie, Theologie und Kirche, Literatur und Sprache. Hervorgehoben, zwei Publikationen, die aktueller nicht sein ...
02.10.2022, Catholic News
St Thérèse and the Contemplative Heart of the Intellectual Life Yesterday we already anticipated the Feast of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face. And today we celebrate again fittingly giving our patroness a double Feast. From the very beginning of the ITI, her holy countenance has watched ...
22.08.2022, Catholic News
On Friday, August 19th, during a special meeting with faculty and staff, Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau officially announced that in accordance with article 6 par. 1 of the Statutes of ITI Catholic University he will retire from his duties as Rector at the end of the 2022-2023 academic year. In accordance with Canon Law, the statutes ...
05.07.2022, Catholic News
Recently, Dr. Simon Maria Kopf, our newly appointed Associate Professor of Fundamental Theology, participated in the 2022 Summer Session of the SET Foundations (Building Foundations in Science-Engaged Theology: Insights from Philosophy of Science) in San Diego, USA. During the week-long sponsored session, theologians and philosophers of religion ...
Ave, Crux vera, spes unica! “We bow to Your Cross, O Lord, and we praise Your holy Resurrection!” These words from the Byzantine Divine Liturgy would be an accurate caption for an event that took place on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul in Trumau: the return of a restored crucifix to its proper place. The crucifix hangs ...
20.06.2022, Catholic News
This year, as is traditional, the ITI Commencement Exercises were crowned with the Rector’s Address - delivered above all to our dear graduates. In his address, Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau reflected on the question of freedom. He desires for our graduates to take with them a balanced understanding of freedom and thus accurate practice ...
18.06.2022, Catholic News
Ms. Dora Goda, a graduate of our five-year Master of Sacred Theology program who came to the ITI from Hungary right after high school, was chosen by her fellow graduates to deliver a speech at the commencement ceremony on behalf of the graduating class of 2022. Having studied the original texts of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, ...
17.06.2022, Catholic News
On 11 June 2022, the Commencement Ceremony took place at the ITI. This year twenty three graduating students fulfilled the academic requirements of the ITI study programs and had one of the following degrees conferred on them: Licentiate in Sacred Theology, Master of Sacred Theology, Master of Studies on Marriage and the Family, and Bachelor in ...
04.06.2022, Catholic News
Last Friday, June 3, the relics of St. Therese of Lisieux were solemnly received in the Heiligenkreuz Abbey, a Cistercian monastery situated in the Vienna Woods in the vicinity of ITI’s Campus. The ITI community gratefully participated in the evening event honoring the Little Flower and entrusted the ITI to her patronage anew. The ...
18.05.2022, Catholic News
Sünde, Schuld, Hybris und Erlösung: Die Literaturtagung in Trumau zeigte anhand der Geschichte des Brudermords, wie zeitlos und aktuell die Themen der „Genesis“ sind. von Emanuela Sutter Wer hätte gedacht, dass ein Geschehnis aus dem tausende Jahre alten Buch der „Genesis“ dieser Tage von solch ...
On Tuesday 10 May 2022, the ITI welcomed to campus Ján Figeľ under the guise of the Adenauer Forum for a conversation on Catholic Public Leadership with ITI’s President, Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau. Mr. Figeľ was instrumental in providing leadership to his native Slovakia as it transitioned from communism and the Soviet ...
Last week, it was a great joy to welcome our Grand Chancellor, His Eminence Christopher Cardinal Schönborn, to the ITI. His Eminence came for a pastoral visit, celebrating the first university common Mass after Easter break and giving another of his ITI lectures on St. Thomas Aquinas. For the lecture this time, Cardinal Schönborn chose ...
On 31 March ITI welcomed back Dr. Gudrun Kugler, ITI graduate MTS 1999, to Campus for a talk on Christian values in politics. Dr. Kugler’s talk covered current issues, including COVID measures and day-to-day life as a Member of Parliament. Her talk concluded with several minutes of answering student questions and meeting them face-to-face ...
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