Neben theologischer Literatur, die Glaubensfreude und Bekennertum ausstrahlt, veröffentlicht Lepanto auch Werke zur Philosophie, Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte, die sich aus der Vielfalt des abendländischen Geisteslebens speisen. Außerdem wird der erste Zyklus der ITI-Literaturtagungen im kommenden Frühjahr bei Lepanto ...
Am 28. Oktober 2023 referierte Prof. Dr. Michaela C. Hastetter, Lehrstuhl für Pastoraltheologie und Religionspädagogik der Katholischen Hochschule ITI, anlässlich der international besetzten Tagung der Bernhard-Welte-Gesellschaft vom 27.-29. Oktober 2023, die heuer unter dem Thema „Räume der Begegnung eröffnen ...
This October, Dr. Simon Maria Kopf, Associate Professor of Fundamental Theology at ITI Catholic University, was invited to serve as Fellow by the Executive Committee of the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR). As an Academy, the Society seeks to foster “the highest standard of research on the relationship between science ...
Eröffnung des neuen akademischen Jahres unter neuer Leitung! Die Hochschule Trumau gedenkt heuer am 2. Oktober, dem traditionellen Beginn des akademischen Jahres, auf besondere Weise seiner Gründung. Pater John Saward (Sts. Gregory & Augustine Church, Oxford) einst Mit-Begründer des ITI zelebrierte nicht nur die ...
Opening of the New Academic Year under New Leadership! This year on October 2, the traditional beginning of the academic year, the University in Trumau commemorated its founding in a special way. Father John Saward (Sts. Gregory & Augustine Church, Oxford), one of the co-founders of the ITI, not only celebrated the solemn opening Mass ...
Neuer Rektor an der ITI: Bernhard Dolna im Interview. Erkenntnisse aus fünf Jahrzehnten Theologie. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt der Weisheit, Tradition und zeitgemäßen Fragen an der Katholischen Hochschule Trumau. Seit 1. August ist Bernhard Dolna Rektor der Katholischen Hochschule Trumau (ITI). Der 69-Jährige spricht ...
This summer, Dr. Simon Maria Kopf, Associate Professor of Fundamental Theology at ITI, was one of four academics to receive the VI edition of the Expanded Reason Award, hosted by The Expanded Reason Institute, with his latest work “Reframing Providence: New Perspectives from Aquinas on the Divine Action Debate.” He was nominated in the ...
Simon Maria Kopf, Associate Professor of Fundamental Theology at the ITI, has been appointed a Research Fellow at Blackfriars Hall, Oxford, and the Aquinas Institute, an organization within Blackfriars. He was appointed after the start of his research project, entitled ‘Alternative Concepts of God and the Problem of Unconceived ...
The official transferal ceremony of the office of rector at ITI Catholic University opened with a prayer in the ITI Byzantine Chapel on the Feast of the Procession of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross according to the Byzantine Rite on August 1. The outgoing Rector Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau and the incoming Rector DDr. Bernhard Dolna ...
Thirty-nine young people from all over the world have successfully completed the academic requirements of ITI Catholic University to earn Studium Generale certificates and academic diplomas for the Bachelor of Liberal Arts, Master of Sacred Theology, Master of Studies on Marriage and the Family, Doctorate in Sacred Theology, and Master of Arts in ...
Simon Maria Kopf and Ignacio Silva guest edit a special issue of Religions Dear Colleagues, This Special Issue explores how Thomas Aquinas and the Thomists from different ages related their thought to the natural and cognitive sciences, both from a systematic and an historical perspective. What can contemporary theology, ...
PD Dr. habil. Michaela C. Hastetter delivered a lecture entitled “The Understanding of the Unity of Europe according to Ratzinger's Ecumenical Model: A View of the Whole” at the International Conference on Pope Benedict XVI's Social Criticism and Vision for Europe "Self-Identity and Life-Giving Source”. The conference was held by ...
In accordance with article 6 par. 1 of the ITI’s Statutes, after more than nine years of service to the ITI as President and Rector, Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau, JD., LL.M will retire from his duties on July 31, 2023. Dr. Geusau expressed deep gratitude to God for placing him in the position of rector, as well as gratitude to ...
Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau gave a lecture entitled “The Listening Heart as a Principle of Legislation: Benedict XVI on Democracy and Politics” at the International Conference on Pope Benedict XVI's Social Criticism and Vision for Europe "Self-Identity and Life-Giving Source”. The conference was held by the Christian ...
PD. Dr. habil. Ephrem Givi Lomidze, Lecturer of Ancient Church History and Patristics at the ITI Catholic University, and Head of St. Ephrem Scientific Center for Orient&Occident-Studies (STEP), has been awarded the ‘Prize for the Promotion of Scientific Works of the Society for the Study of the Christian East’ (Die Gesellschaft ...
Dr. Simon Maria Kopf, Associate Professor of Fundamental Theology, hat kürzlich zwei Sendungen auf Radio Maria mitgestaltet. Am 24. März 2023 sprach Dr. Kopf live über das Thema „Kann der Mensch Gott erkennen?“ Dr. Kopf führte die Unterscheidung zwischen Erkennbarkeit und Unbegreiflichkeit Gottes ein und ...
Am 6. Mai verfolgte die ganze Welt die Krönung von Charles III. Die ganze Welt? Nein! Ein paar Unbeugsame fanden sich in Trumau zusammen, der „schönsten Stadt Österreichs“, wie der anwesende Bürgermeister Andreas Kollross versicherte. Allerdings war auch dieser nur Gast, denn die Veranstaltung fand nicht im Rathaus, ...
Kommentar Dr. Andreas Salcher: https://www.dersonntag.at/artikel/aufbruch-zur-schule-des-21-jahrhunderts/ Der Sonntag www.dersonntag.at
Education at the Crossroads – this was the topic of the International Bilingual Education Summit, which was held at the ITI on May 5-6. It was a fitting way to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of ITI’s existence, the celebration of which was postponed from 2021 until today due to the Corona crisis. “Education is our ...
Internationaler zweisprachiger Bildungsgipfel an der Hochschule ITI 5. und 6. Mai 2023 Eine Standortbestimmung Das ganze Programm mit allen inhaltlichen und organisatorischen Details: Klicken Sie hier Bildung geht jeden an: Ist der Kampf bereits verloren? Bildung, ideologisch heiß umkämpft! Aber sehen wir auch wirklich, was auf dem ...
International Bilingual Education Summit at ITI Catholic University May 5 and 6, 2023 An Assessment of the Situation For the full program with all the content and organizational details: click here. In such crisis-ridden times, what better topic for a university to consider than the future of the next generation? This is especially so because ...
The ITI were delighted to welcome the Napa Institute for lunch on Thursday, April 27 during their grand tour of Eastern and Central Europe. The ITI President Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau welcomed the group of around thirty members led by Mr. Tim Busch, and after a tour of the Byzantine Chapel by Fr. Juraj Terek, they were invited to a ...
The editor-in-chief of the popular Magnificat magazine says that a faithful Catholic college is where he “began to develop daily Catholic habits of prayer and a whole Catholic outlook on the world.” Now Fr. Sebastian White, O.P., helps Catholics across the globe strengthen their prayer lives through the ...
It was a great joy to welcome ITI graduate and former ITI professor Dr. John Mortensen back to our campus. On March 2, he gave a Thursday night lecture under the title “Is Study Conducive to Eternal Life?” He has been working to understand the relationship between studying and eternal life for the past thirty years. He consolidated his ...
On 19 January 2023, ITI welcomed Dr. Andrew Kaethler, Academic Dean and Assistant Professor of Theology at Catholic Pacific College in Langley, British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Kaethler gave a lecture entitled Eschatology and Temporality in the Thoughts of Alexander Schmemann and Joseph Ratzinger as part of the ITI’s Thursday Night Lecture ...
Simon Maria Kopf, Associate Professor of Fundamental Theology at the ITI, launches a new, two-year research project entitled “Alternative Concepts of God and the Problem of Unconceived Alternatives.” The project is funded by the SET Foundations with a generous grant of $25,000. Dr. Kopf will organise an international workshop in the ...
Among the books that Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC has written about Our Lady, Marian Gems: Daily Wisdom on Our Lady (2014) stands out: as a collection of short meditations on Our Lady by various saints, blesseds, and popes arranged to cover the entire year, it makes for an easy and nourishing read for anyone interested in deepening one's devotion ...
On January 2-6, 2023, ITI student Karolina Kubisova and a few of our graduates among whom Theresia Kramer, who is a FOCUS missionary at the University of Passau, participated in SEEK, the largest Catholic conference of its kind organized by FOCUS (the Fellowship of Catholic University Students) in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Mary Healy, one of the ...
19.01.2023, Catholic News
Oxford University Press releases a new book Reframing Providence. New Perspectives from Aquinas on the Divine Action Debate by Dr. Simon Maria Kopf, Associate Professor of Fundamental Theology at the ITI. The doctrine of providence, which states that God guides his creation, has been widely conceived in action terms in recent theological ...
In cooperation with the European Association of Free Faculties, the Catholic University of Avila, the Institute of Comparative Philosophy, the Catholic Institute of Higher Studies, and the Catholic Institute of Rennes, the Katholische Hochschule ITI (ITI Catholic University) co-organized the International Conference on Humanism and Ecological ...
09.01.2023, Catholic News
Überaus dankbar dürfen wir als Katholische Hochschule ITI von Joseph Ratzinger / Papst em. Benedikt XVI. Abschied nehmen. Seine Theologie fußte auf der Heiligen Schrift und den Vätern, allen voran der Hl. Augustinus und der Hl. Bonaventura. Er hatte die Quellen im Original studiert und ins Heute "übersetzt", in der ...
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