At a meeting of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in Vienna on 14 December 2016, civil society leaders called for giving the subject of intolerance and discrimination against Christians more serious attention. The Conference on Combating Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians was organized by the ...
Dr. Alting von Geusau, rector of the International Theological institute, participated in a meeting in the impressive Aula of the University of Bologna where religious leaders, political leaders and over 500 representatives from the world of academia presented the tenets of the to be founded European Academy for Religion. Most official speakers ...
In his opening keynote speech, EU Special Envoy for Religious Freedom, Ján Figel’ noted that over 100,000 Christians are killed every year because of their faith. “Those who do not understand religion and misuse religion cannot understand what is happening in the world,” he said. In his speech, Figeľ quoted German theologian, Dietrich B ...
Born in Stamford, Connecticut, Father Prior Benedict Nivakoff was baptized into the Catholic Faith at 12. He was educated by the Benedictine monks at Portsmouth Abbey School in Rhode Island. He graduated from the University of the South in Tennessee with a Bachelor of Arts in Medieval Studies. Immediately after he graduated, he joined the monastic ...
Bishop Komarica is one of Europe's most courageous bishops, having stayed with his flock of Catholic faithful throughout the conflict in the former Yugoslavia and continuing to speak up for the many Catholic refugees still being unable to return to their homes. He also authored various books describing the destruction of Catholic churches and ...
Following the Hymn to the Mother of God, the Archbishop reflected on the unique position of the ITI in the world and how much the Institute is respected in the Ukraine. He spoke of how tangible it is that at the ITI, theology is studied "on the knees" and that the study of theology requires silence and contemplation in order that we are ...
Byzantinische Liturgie und Gebet um Frieden im Stephansdom Ukrainischer Großerzbischof Schewtschuk und Kardinal Schönborn stehen Göttlicher Liturgie vor - Festtag anlässlich des 100-Jahr-Jubiläums der Übertragung der Reliquien des heiligen Josafat Kuncewytsch (1580-1623) nach Wien Wien (kath.net/KAP) Im Zeichen des Gebets um Frieden in der Welt s ...
The courageous bishop from embattled Aleppo spoke of the Holy Land he comes from: Syria, where millions of martyrs for the Christian faith are buried in its soil and many continue to be persecuted and killed for their faith in Christ today. As he led the university community in prayer in the Byzantine Chapel, he asked all those present to pray for ...
"Wie stehen Christentum und Platonismus zueinander? Sind sie völlig zusammendenkbar? Oder einander ausschließend? Welche geschichtlich aufgetretene Systematik – im Christentum und im Platonismus – wird problematisch, wenn ersteres, welche, wenn letzteres gilt? Vieles scheint einfach identisch: Der Gott ist, er ist eins, gut, alles prinz ...
Die Hochschule Trumau wurde vertreten von Rektor Alting von Geusau und Vizerektor und Dekan Dolna.
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