07.10.2014, Catholic News
On October 1st, an old academic tradition, the dies natalis, was introduced at the ITI. Traditionally at many European universities, the dies natalis is when the foundation – the “birth” - of the university is celebrated with formal academic proceedings. October 1st is the feast day of ITI patroness, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, an ...
01.09.2014, Catholic News
1 Sep 2014 - Twenty-three students joined the ITI programs this year in an official matriculation ceremony on the first of September. They came to the ITI from Denmark, India, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine and the USA. After the opening Mass celebrated by the Trumau parish priest, Reverend Pio ...
06.06.2014, Catholic News
6 June 2014 – Twenty-two graduates received their ITI degrees and certificates on a sunny day in the Schloss Courtyard. Christoph Cardinal Schonborn, in his homily, encouraged each graduate to be a witness of Christ. Class Speaker, Andrej Makovnik from Slovakia, urged each student to become a source of living water, by taking what they ...
18.03.2014, Catholic News
18 March 2014 – Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, who was Assistant Professor of Philosophy at ITI from 1999 to 2006 (and Roman Rite choir director for much of that time), has recently published a volume of Sacred Choral Works with Corpus Christi Watershed. This 276-page book gathers twenty years' worth of sacred music compositions in Latin a ...
06.03.2014, Catholic News
3 Jun 2014 - On Aug. 31, 2013, Pope Francis beatified a Romanian priest, Fr. Vladimir Ghika, who died a martyr in 1954 in a communist prison. A prince by birth, he did not hesitate to despoil himself for others, in whom he saw Christ. Here are some of his pensées: „The one who despoils himself for others, puts on Christ.“„Nothing brings ...
Am 31. August 2013 sprach Papst Franziskus den rumänischen Priester Vladimir Ghika selig – er starb als Märtyrer im Jahr 1954 in einem kommunistischen Gefängnis. Als gebürtiger Prinz zögerte er nicht, sich selbst für andere hinzugeben, in denen er Christus sah. Hier sind einige seiner Gedanken: „Jemand, der sich für die anderen hingibt, legt ...
10.02.2014, Catholic News
10 February 2014 - The Grand Chancellor of the ITI, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, after consultation with the Board of Trustees, appointed Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau as President for the start of the new academic semester on the tenth of February 2014, which was confirmed by the Congregation for Catholic Education on the third of March ...
10. Februar 2014: Dr. MMag. Christiaan Alting von Geusau übernimmt von Msgr. Prof. Dr. Larry Hogan die Leitung der Katholischen Hochschule Trumau ITI-Großkanzler, Kardinal Dr. Christoph Schönborn, ernannte den langjährigen Vizepräsidenten (Entwicklung) der Hochschule, Christiaan Geusau, zum Präsidenten. Der Bestellung des neuen Rektors, die v ...
25.11.2013, Catholic News
25 Jan 2014 - Die 3. Fachtagung des Instituts für Ehe und Familie (IEF) gemeinsam mit dem Internationalen Theologischen Institut (ITI) nahm vergangenen Samstag im Schloss Trumau/NÖ die "Ehe als Entscheidung und Geschenk" in den aktuellen Fokus.Unter dem Ehrenschutz von Erzbischof Dr. Christoph Kardinal Schönborn OP versammelten sich ...
11.11.2013, ECS
11 Nov 2013 - Sixteen bishops representing the Eastern Churches in Austria, Belarus, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, the United Kingdom and Ukraine gathered to attend the Symposium on November 9, 2013 at the University of Vienna. The Symposium proposed the lives of the martyrs of the Eastern Churches as an answer to the ...
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