ITI Publications

Below are links to recent publications from the ITI. They are provided as links to  downloadable PDF documents. Though we have tried to reduce them, some may be large files due to the images included. You may request a printed copy of these publications by email to administration(at)

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Iconography and the Trumau Schloss Byzantine Chapel

From the beginning, Austria has been a cultural and religious cross-road between East and West; a place where different cultures and nations meet. You can see this “meeting” expressed in the art and worship throughout the country. For example, a Pantocrator similar to the one in our Byzantine Chapel can be found in Wieselburg, in the parish church of St. Ulrich, in Lower Austria, derived from an eleventh century fresco.

As a theological institute, responding to the call of Pope Saint John Paul II for a renewal of theology and marriage and family, we are bringing the tradition of the East alive. The treasures of Scripture, the Church Fathers, and the tradition of the iconographical schools throughout the ages are presented in a new way to the current and future generations in this Byzantine Chapel.

Download a PDF of the booklet

ITI Graduates: Leaders for the Church and Society

The Institute brings together students from all over the world, especially students from Western, Central, and Eastern Europe and North and South America, as well as Africa and Asia. It seeks to be a place of interchange between diverse cultures, and a living experience of the Church universal. Here are the stories of some of our graduates.

Download a PDF of ITI Graduates: Leaders for the Church and Society

ITI-Absolventen: Führungskräfte für Kirche und Gesellschaft

Das Institut bringt Studenten aus aller Welt zusammen, insbesondere aus West- Zentral- und Osteuropa, Nord- und Südamerika sowie Afrika und Asien. Der internationale Campus ist ein Ort des Austausches verschiedener Kulturen und gelebter Weltkirche.

Was tun die Absolventen der Hochschule ITI heute?

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