Science-Engaged Thomism

In his new article, published in the journal Religions, Simon Maria Kopf discusses a form of Thomism that has emerged in the field of science and theology, which is termed “Science-Engaged Thomism” (SETh), following the recent and growing movement of Science-Engaged Theology (SET). After a brief introduction of SET, various definitions and essential features of SET and SETh are introduced and discussed, highlighting their similarities and differences. To showcase the latter, his article presents recent examples of SETh. The objective is to suggest that SETh is a form of Thomism, although not necessarily a new form of Thomism. As such, SETh might be considered a complementary approach to SET.

You can read the article here.

The research is part of an international research project funded by the John Templeton Foundation (Grant ID 62684) in which Simon Maria Kopf, together with Ignacio Silva, edits a special issue of the journal Religions on “Aquinas and the Sciences: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future.”

You can access the special issue here.