Invitation to an Additional Lecture "Time and Eternity"

PD Dr. Sebastian Ostritsch is going to speak about "Time and Eternity"
on Monday, February 24, 18:00-19:00,
in Sts. Cyril and Methodius Hall.

PD Dr. Sebastian Ostritsch teaches at the University of Heidelberg. He is the author of several philosophical books, including: the intellectual biography Hegel. Der Weltphilosoph (Ullstein/Propyläen, 2020), Let's Play or Game Over? Eine Ethik des Computerspiels (dtv, 2023), Ewigkeit und das Leiden an der Zeit (Editiones Scholasticae, 2024). Currently he is writing on the Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas. Dr. Ostritsch researches Hegel and German idealism, basic metaphysical themes such as existence, time and eternity, but also the philosophy and ethics of gaming. In addition, he writes about timeless, current, secular and religious topics for Die Welt and the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Since January 2024 he has been working for Die Tagespost. Twice a month he publishes the column "The Philosopher" for the online magazine Corrigenda. On YouTube he runs the Vernunftrausch channel with videos on philosophical topics.