Conference on Angels

ITI, Schloss Trumau, Schlossgasse 21, 2521 Trumau
22-23 November 2024

“Man nurtures the conviction that it is he (and not the angels) who is at the center of the divine Revelation in Christ, Man and God. It is precisely the religious encounter with the world of the purely spiritual being that becomes valuable as a revelation of his own being not only as body but also as spirit, and of his belonging to a design of salvation that is truly great and efficacious within a community of personal beings who serve the providential design of God for man and with man” (John Paul II, General Audience, August 6, 1986: ‘Angels Participate in the History of Salvation’).

The invisible created world exerts a real fascination even though it seems to be neglected. Often excluded from considerations presented as rational, the angelic world has been revived by an undiminished but not always healthy interest in the obscure realms of esotericism and occultism. Reflection on angels, their existence and their role in the divine economy, is necessary not only to understand the reality of this obscure world, but also to understand better the divine economy and the beneficial influence of angels.

Reading the Fathers of the Church and the theologians of the Middle Ages testifies to their great familiarity with the angelic world and invites us to rediscover our elder brothers. They remind us that man's vocation to happiness and beatitude is shared with the angels.

The aim of the conference is to show the relevance of angelology by reflecting on the existence and role of angels in the light of the Word of God, received and commented on by the Fathers of the Church and theologians, particularly Saint Thomas Aquinas.

9.00: Welcoming Address (Dr. Bernhard Dolna, rector)
Presentation of the Conference (Rev. Dr. Jean-Yves Brachet OP)

Session I: Scripture
(Moderation: Rev. Dr. Jean-Yves Brachet OP)
10.00 – 10.45: The Angels in the Old Testament (Dr. Bernhard Dolna)
10h45: Break
11.15 – 12.00: Pauline Angelology (Dr. Vince DeMeo)
12.15: Holy Mass
13.00: Lunch break

Session II: Patristics
(Moderation: Fr. Dr. Jean-Yves Brachet OP)
14.30 – 15.15: Angels in the Fathers and Worship of the Christian East
(Rev. Dr. Yosyp Veresh)
15h15 – 16h00: The Latin Fathers on the Angels: St Augustine, Saint Gregory the Great
(Rev. Dr. Martin Mayerhofer FSO)
16h00: Break

Session III: Literature and Art
(Moderation: Dr. Timothy Kelly)
16:30 – 17h15: Angels in C.S. Lewis's space trilogy (Rev. Dr. Thomas Möllenbeck)
17.15 – 18.30: Angels in Art (Rev. Lawrence Lew OP)

9.00: Introduction (Rev. Dr. Jean-Yves Brachet OP)

Session IV: Theology
(Moderation: Dr. Timothy Kelly)
9.15 – 10.00: Creation and Life of the Angels Angels according to Saint Thomas
(Rev. Dr. Rupert Mayer OP)
10.00 – 10.45: The Angels in the Divine Economy – Guardian Angels
(Rev. Dr. Jean-Yves Brachet OP)
10h45: Break

Session V: Theology
(Moderation: Rev. Dr. Jean-Yves Brachet OP)
11.15 – 12.00: Newman and the Angels (Dr. Timothy Kelly)
12.15: Divine Liturgy (Father Juraj Terek)
13.00: Lunch break

Session VI: Theology
(Moderation: Dr. Timothy Kelly)
14.30 – 15.15: The Fall of the Angels (Urban Hannon FSSP)
15h15 – 16h00: Demonology (Msgr. Dr. Hogan)
16h00: Closing of the Conference (Rev. Dr. Jean-Yves Brachet OP)


Conference venue
The Symposium will be held in the campus main building (Schloss) of the International Theological Institute (ITI) in Trumau, 25km South of Vienna, Austria.
Lunch and dinner are included in the conference fee.
Conference fee
€90 per person • Students €50 • Free for ITI Students
The entire conference will be held in English and there will be no translation services provided.
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