“Sounds That Get You Moving: Philosophical and Psychological Considerations on Music and the Emotions”

Fr. Andreas Kramarz, LC, Ph.D. Fr. Andreas Kramarz holds a Ph.D. in Classical Civilization (University of Florida, 2013), a Licentiate in Philosophy (Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, Rome/Italy, 1999), the Diploma in Catholic Theology and a Staatsexamen in German Language and Literature (both Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster/Germany, 1992 and 1993 respectively). He was ordained a priest in Rome on Christmas Eve, 2003. At present, he is Dean of studies and teaches humanities at the Legion of Christ College of Humanities in Cheshire, CT/U.S.A (www.lccollege.org). He recently published the volume The Power and Value of Music: Its Effect and Ethos in Classical Authors and Contemporary Music Theory (Peter Lang Publishing, New York/Bern 2016). For many years, Fr. Kramarz has been involved in music as a pianist, organist, and director of various choir and music ensembles.