Veni, Sancte Spiritus!

The fall semester 2018 began with a votive Holy Mass to the Holy Spirit, Whom the faculty, students and staff, gathered together, invoked for a fruitful new academic year. The Holy Spirit, as Rev. Dr. Fr. Jean-Yves Brachet o.p., the main celebrant, explained in his sermon, is the One Who will lead us to the Truth, Who is Christ. In order to know Him, daily reading of the Scriptures for students and faculty alike will prove most profitable.


In his introductory remarks, the Rector, Dr. Alting von Geusau, exhorted everyone to pray incessantly for the Holy Mother the Church and her head, the Pope, especially in these times of turmoil.


The student matriculation brought a novelty this year, as the ITI opened its first year of the Liberal Arts program. Rev. Dr. Thomas Möllenbeck explained, in a most interesting opening lecture, the connection between the liberal arts and theology.