Formal Semester Opening under a blue sky

The summer semester started in tradition

Having returned refreshed from their semester break, students joined faculty and administration for a solemn Mass, procession and ceremony marking the start of the new semester. During his homily, Father Pio Suchentrunk, OCist, parish priest of Trumau, reflected on Our Lady of Fatima and the 100 years since her apparitions we commemorate this year. Fr. Pio underlined the clear instruction Our Lady passed on to the Fatima children, telling the world to pray the rosary daily, to do penance and atonement in order to save the world from the many evils that would otherwise come to pass due to Man's fallen nature. During his brief remarks, the Rector of the ITI, Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau, remarked on the Church needing in these times of upheaval and uncertainty - also within the Church - not so much Catholics expressing their opinions through every possible blog and Twitter account they can access, but rather the Church having a great need for saints. He cited an article recently published that was titled "The Church doesn’t need our opinion, she needs our holiness". At the ITI, Dr. Geusau continued, we are called as faculty and students to prayerfully reflect on all we read and hear and let the Holy Spirit work, rather than get in his way with our opinions. Dr. Geusau finally suggested, inspired by the motto of his own Alma mater, to add “praesidium fidei et rationis” to the ITI's motto. The opening of the semester included a wonderful performance by the ITI quartet of parts of Mozart's "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" under the direction of Prof. Michaela Hastetter and was concluded with a common lunch. Listen here to the Presisent's talk.