Dies Natalis - Feast of the ITI, Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Feast of the official birthday of the ITI.  No classes.   Program of the day: 14.00hrs : Holy Mass at the Schloss (Byzantine Chapel) with Msgr. P. Dr. Leo Maasburg as the main celebrant 15.00hrs : Procession to and dedication of the new framed image of Saint Therese 15.30hrs : Procession to St. Cyril and Method Hall 15.45hrs : Musical Intermezzo: Johann Sebastian Bach played by Gaby Schuchter 16.00hrs : Keynote Lecture by Mr. Graham Hutton: “A faith worth dying for: a faith worth living for"  17.00hrs : Closing remarks by the President, followed by an Agape in Moses Hall