Abuse Prevention and Reporting

The ITI adheres to the official policy of the Archdiocese of Vienna with regard to preventing and reporting (sexual) abuse or violence on its campus. Members of the faculty and staff have signed the “Verpflichtungserklärung” and have also participated in a special information seminar on the subject. 

A special "ombudsperson" has been appointed by the Rector to serve as a first point of confidential contact and reporting in case of susprected cases of (sexual) abuse or violence on campus. The ombudsperson reports directly to the Rector and will decide in consulation with the ITI leadership, whilst fully adhering to all applicable local laws and ecclesiatical regulations, what next steps to take. It should be noted that only an Austrian court of law can decide definitively on the merrits of a case brought forward officially and involving suspected (sexual) abuse or violence on campus. Reporting a suspected case to the ITI ombudsperson does not in any way relieve the persons directly and personally involved in such a case from the possibility or duty to address the competent civil authorities.

The position of ombudsperson is currently held by Dr. Michaela Hastetter: [email protected]