New book documenting ITI-conferences on Marriage and Family

The volume „Liebes- und Heilsdynamiken in Ehe und Familie“ („Dynamics of Love and Salvation in Marriage and Family“) dates from two conferences, held at the ITI in 2017 and 2018. Due to this, the book has two parts: „Liebe ist ... frei, treu, bedingungslos, lebensspendend, missionarisch“ („Love is ... Free, Faithful, Unconditional, Life-Giving, Missionary“) and „Dynamiken in Ehe und Familie. Wege zum Heil. Wege aus dem Unheil“ („Dynamics in Marriage and Family. Ways to Sal- vation. Ways out of Evil“).

In the first part, among others Birgit and Corbin Gams, Martine and Jürgen Liminski, P. Luc Emme- rich look at fundamental characteristics of love: free, faithful, unconditional, life-giving, missionary. We still live also on this earth. Therefore the second part concentrates on the way. P. Johannes Paul Abrahamowicz shows the Biblical perspective on marriage and family as a history of salvation. Ste- phan Kampowski points – because we only know the way if we know the end – to the essence, end, purpose of marriage. And Raphael Bonelli gives us certain neuroscientifically graspable aspects of man and woman that show how they are necessarily interrelated and attuned to each other.

And many more authors discuss diverse types of dynamics in marriage and family. Tolle, lege!